Friday, October 17, 2014

Campaign Log 2

"Isle of Madness"


May 4 -- Rossalyn (the 'Fairy Doctor') and Rory Macphee visit the Farmhouse

May 5 -- Genevieve visits; Rossalyn explains about Changelings and that Genevieve will never get her mind back; Captain Teak hires the PCs onto the English privateer ketch The Lion's Whelp; Inigo duels English sailor

May 6 -- The Lion's Whelp departs Tortuga for Salt Cay

May 9 -- Sailmaster Latchkey tells PCs of treasure rumors on Salt Cay

May 16 -- Confrontation with rival English Captain Weller and his ship, the galleon The Speedwell.  The Speedwell gives chase but The Lion's Whelp shelters in the shallows of Salt Cay's east shore, forcing Speedwell  to retreat to western shore.

May 17 -- Crew and PCs investigate beached French shipwreck.  Inigo captured by insane cannibal Captain Burgess.  PCs and Lion's Whelp crew fight Burgess and Speedwell crew.

May 18 -- Fight with Speedwell crew at Burgess cave; emerald jewelry recovered.

May 19 -- The Lion's Whelp departs Salt Cay

May 29 -- Arrival back on Tortuga


-- Renee D'Eon de Beaumont (officially, Le Viscount D'eon de Beaumont) arrives on Tortuga as new official French Governor of Cayona and Fort de Rocher.   Wants to better consolidate French holdings on island for better defense, but also pledges continued cooperation with the english colonists.  However, English and other ships must now pay higher dock fees and other fees while French ships dock for free.  English grumble about building their own port elsewhere on island.

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